Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Check out posts you might have missed

The Electric Gospel in its present format is four months old today.  So far the blog is averaging a couple hundred page views per month; hopefully that will increase as readers share links to the blog and more sign on as followers.

I thought I'd report today on the most-viewed devotional messages so far, as well as highlighting some other past posts.  Maybe you'll notice something you missed that you might like to read.

The "top ten" viewed pages (March thru June) are:

  1. "Are You a Perfectionist?" by Kathy Kolell
  2.  "An Invitation to Church" by Candace Hoefert
  3. "When Words Fail" by Gina Grove
  4. "I Will Respect You" (author's name withheld by request)
  5. "From Darkness to Light"  (author's name withheld by request)
  6. "Free to Be Faithful" by Kaylee Messman
  7. "The Importance of Holy Communion" by Jared Natsis
  8. "The Spirit Works through our Words" by Andy Westra
  9. "Served by Jesus, We are Servants" by Deyi Shi
  10. "Forgiveness" by Brooke King
There are other posts you might want to check out beyond those ten.  For instance ...
You can also click on the month-by-month links to the archives.  (For instance, there are new messages by Dawn Schulz and Justin Slominsky in the July files.)

If you find something you like, share it with friends.  Encourage folks to sign up as followers of the blog.  And if you have something you're writing which you'd like considered for posting on The Electric Gospel, send it my way!

- David Sellnow

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