in the Wind
by Jenni Mickelson
John 15:5-6 – “‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a
man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown
away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and
If you
find yourself on a flat slab of barren land in the western United States, you
will most likely come face-to-face with the local drifter: the tumbleweed.
Tumbleweed is a plant that finds its home in areas where the ground is either
weathered by the natural elements or cultivated by farmers. Once the growing
season passes and the tumbleweed shrivels up, though, the wind can easily pluck
it out of the soil and blow it around aimlessly in the remote plains and
deserts. The tumbleweed also carries with it thousands of seeds that spread about
the land and will later foster a new crop of menacing weeds.
in its dry, lifeless state, is useless. It only moves, with no anchor to keep
it positioned in the ground where it belongs.
We sinners
are in danger of drifting like tumbleweed, alone and without purpose. Lost
dreams, wrongdoings, and hardships leave us parched and cast our minds into
hopeless wandering. We blow in the wind, with no root system to keep us steady,
when we forsake God’s will and instead succumb to the enticing but fleeting
temptations of this world, the devil, and our flesh. We foster sin’s weeds and
put others at risk of flying away when we live our lives in this way.
God does
not want us to roam in this manner. He yearns for us to remain secure in him.
It was for this loving reason that he sent his Son Jesus into the world. Jesus
brought us back to God through his perfect life, innocent death, and glorious
resurrection. Thus he is and forever will be our vine, our root, to keep us
firmly grounded in the Lord. When we rely solely on Christ’s redeeming love and
sacrifice for our salvation, and not on ourselves, we are no longer tumbleweed
but rather the sturdy branches of God’s vine, nourished and strengthened by
– it blows around with seemingly no purpose but simultaneously gives off the
impression that it is desperately searching for something out there in the
world. How grateful we can be to Jesus for giving us a purpose to live for –
Jesus, forgive me for all of the times that I forget about
being rooted in you and instead turn to the unstable pleasures of this world.
Plant me firmly in you and nurture me once again with the news of your
everlasting love through your life, death, and resurrection. Guide me in being
your witness to others rather than being the cause of their drifting away from
you. Amen.
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