A Christian Creed
by Tim Walsh
I believe in
God; God the almighty Father, God the perfect Son, and God the Holy
Spirit. These three persons are all God,
and God all three of these persons – not one God wearing different masks, nor
three distinct Gods, but one triune God, whose nature no one can understand.
God the Father by Cima da Conegliano, circa 1515 |
This triune God,
present from eternity, created everything out of nothing, and the world he made
was entirely perfect – in his own words, “very good.” But humanity, the crown
of his creation, rebelled against him, ruining the world that God had given to
us. From that time, we have been by nature sinful. By our nature we seek to
serve only ourselves, and as the first man and woman did, we flee from God at
his approach, fearing his holy judgment. And because of this we deserve nothing
more than death, for our rejection and hatred of the one who gave us life.
But God was not
willing to see us separated from him for eternity. And so in his infinite love,
the Father sent his beloved Son into our world. The Son of God took on flesh
and was born from a virgin, and was given the name Jesus. In him full God and
full man coexisted – not by a mingling of the natures, nor by some supernatural
possession, or by dividing him into two halves, but together, in a way no one
can understand. This Jesus, who was called Christ, lived a perfect, holy life,
and he was unjustly executed to pay for the sins of all mankind. On a Roman
cross he suffered the punishment that belonged to you, and to me, and to every
other person who has lived or ever will. Jesus – God himself – died on that
cross, and in his death he paid the price for every sin ever committed. And he
did not stay dead! On the third day, he rose from the dead, and after appearing
to his followers, returned to heaven forty days later. And I believe that, just
as Christ was raised from the dead, so too will I be raised on the last day.
I do not believe
any of this by my own choice. Indeed, if believing were left to me, I would
surely be damned, for I am a wretched, ungrateful sinner. But through no merit
of my own, God chose me to be one of his beloved children. He brought me into
his fold by the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired faith in my heart through
the preaching of the good news of Jesus and the washing of baptism. I could
never and would never have chosen him, but he chose me.
I do not deserve
any of the incredible gifts that have been showered upon me by God. Every day
brings blessing after blessing, and all I can do is praise God for his grace.
Likewise, when sorrow and troubles come my way, I cling to the knowledge that
the gift of salvation – the greatest gift ever given – is mine. No hardship can
overshadow the joy that I take from this.
As one of God’s
children, my life is not my own. I belong to my Father in heaven. I want to
dedicate my whole life to him, just as Christ dedicated his life to me. In
everything I do, I seek his glory, not my own. My every action, every step,
every breath, is an opportunity to proclaim his name and the good things he has
This is what I
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