Welcome to the season of Advent! For this Advent, the college where I serve has published a booklet of 25 Advent devotions -- one for each day of December up to Christmas Day. The devotions were prepared by writers I've worked with in various courses over the years. At times during this month, I'll feature some of those devotions also here on The Electric Gospel. The devotion below, listed for December 2, was penned by Ruth Luehring. If you want to access an online version of the whole Advent devotion booklet, you can access that at the Seasonal Devotions page of MLC publications.
The Lord’s Promise
to Abraham
by Ruth Luehring
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I
will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3).
worry. I’ve got your back.” This phrase is used often as reassurance to
those who are afraid of what lies ahead: the big brother who sees his little brother
scared of the bully at school, the dad who helps his child learn to ride a
bike, a teenager who sees her friend crying over school drama, the coworker
scared he will lose his job because of an overly demanding boss.
Abraham was
worried about the future too. God had
just told him to leave his home and travel until God said, “This is your new
home.” Yet his heavenly Father reminded Abraham,
“I’ve got your back.” God had a plan for Abraham, and through Abraham’s
descendent Jesus he would fulfill his plan to save the world.
The unknown
future is a frightening place for us to look.
What troubles will be ahead? Yet,
we know God’s got our back. As we
prepare for Christmas, we are reminded of many joys, sorrows, celebrations, and
letdowns that the holiday season can bring.
Don’t let these get in the way of our true celebration of our Savior’s
birth. Our Lord will continue to be by
our side in the future just as he has in the past. Through the birth of a baby named Jesus, he
defeated death, the devil, and our sinfulness.
We are part of God’s plan. No
temptation and trial will we face alone because we have a heavenly Father who’s
got our back.
What are some things that make you nervous or
scared about the future? What Bible promises
can comfort you during these times?
Discuss some times when God’s protection and
care were apparent to you in your life.
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, though we face trials and are
scared of the unknown, strengthen us in your promises. Keep us close to you as we remember and
celebrate your plan of salvation for us, beginning with the birth of your Son, Jesus. Thank you for your promise and fulfillment
of salvation. As we travel into the
unknown each day, help us to trust and rely on your promises. Amen.
Ruth Luehring teaches at East Fork
Lutheran School, Whiteriver AZ.
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