Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Glorious Easter Creed

by Taylor Swanson

Taylor wrote this to be used as a personal reflection for Easter Sunday morning. 
I am glad to share the confession with you via
The Electric Gospel blog.
Have a blessed Easter week.

On this glorious Easter morning,
we come together in full confidence of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We confess we are wholly sinful human beings,
dead in our transgressions.
But by faith, given by the Holy Spirit, in the death and resurrection of Jesus, 
we are made alive in Christ.
Our sins are washed away and we shine like the sun in God’s eyes.

On this day we are especially thankful for the resurrection of our Lord.
God the Father sent his One and Only into this sin-stricken world.
Jesus lived a perfect life, was crucified, died and was buried.
But it did not end there.
He rose.

But what does all this mean?
The fact that Jesus rose means that he defeated death and the power of the devil.
It means that we will live even though we die.
Our bodies will be made to be like Christ’s,
perfect and glorious, and raised up to heaven to be with our Savior.

There will be no more pain or sadness and no more death,
for Christ has arisen once and for all.
May we forever sing hallelujah to the Victor over death.
He is risen.
He is risen, indeed. Hallelujah.

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