Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Devotional Writing - online course

What:  College course (1 credit) as a workshop for spiritual writers
  • Course description ... Devotional Writing (Theology 8508) Examining and practicing the art of writing spiritual devotions.  Includes an examination of core principles regarding the presentation of law and gospel and regarding effective, concise communication.  

When:  Begins June 8 -- ends June 26

Where:  Online

Offered through the Continuing Education program of Martin Luther College

Cost (tuition and fees):  $315

Go to registration page.  In registration process, choose course #THE8508 - Devotional Writing

Some comments from past participants in the course:
  • "My experience was stellar.  I never took an online class before, but the instructor made it easy to do so. (Incidentally, I was traveling cross-country during the span of the class and communicated via wi-fi stops.)  Feedback on my writing was  firm and thorough – wrought with spiritual teaching, not critical or condescending. It was a memorable, positive experience that blessed me and elevated my ability to use a God-given gift more fully."                                                                  
  • "I think the most helpful component of the course was the emphasis on sound doctrine and the differentiation between law and gospel.  This is truly the heart of theologically sound devotions.  Your style can vary a great deal from the other writers but the theology will be sound and therefore the devotion will be a blessing to others."

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