Friday, August 19, 2016

Published pieces

Last week I linked you to some devotional pieces published at LinkedIn by Naomi Unnasch.  That got me thinking about devotional items written by persons during classes with me that were published in other online or magazine venues.  Let me link you to some of those items here.  This is not a complete list of published pieces by those who've participated in classes with me, but these are some that are easily accessible.

Several writers have had things published in Forward in Christ magazine:

Some others have done work with WELS Women's Ministry via classes with me or with me as their liaison to that ministry group:

Sarah Frost's article, "Please Be Patient with Me -- God Is Not Finished Yet," was published by Issues in Lutheran Education.

Gina Grove regularly writes articles for her congregation's school newsletter in Rochester MN, such as this wonderful piece titled, "You Go Where You Focus."

Then also, a number of my writers provided messages for the Martin Luther College 2015 devotional booklet for Advent, titled, The Coming of Christ: Promises Made, Promises Kept.  I had shared some samples of those messages on this blog also -- which you can find at the December archives page for Electric Gospel.

A new round of classes begin for me soon as a new semester gets underway.  I look forward to more items from my new students to share here on the blog before long!

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