Friday, November 11, 2016

The Master Teacher Makes a Promise … and an Accommodation

by Katherine Christensen

Among being thankful and relieved, a human Noah likely had disembarked the ark overwhelmed, malnourished, and depressed. Like a good teacher knows the attention spans of his students, God knew the hearts of the eight humans stepping off the ark. They could wander as easily as the hearts that had stopped beating in the flood water.

God calmed their fears by promising he would never again destroy the world in a flood (Genesis 9:14-16). God, the Master Teacher, gave his Word to a group that was processing their desolate new world. To accommodate their overwhelmed minds, he gave his Word along with a visible sign of his promise: the rainbow. The promise attached to the rainbow still hangs in the clouds today.
Noah wasn’t the only who needed signs to remind him of God’s promises. The apostle Peter told us, “God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also” (1 Peter 3:20-21).
God, the Master Teacher, knows we get distracted in church. He sees our Google calendars fill up--even on Sunday mornings. His watchful eye is on us when our attention zings away from our open Bibles.

However, our Master Teacher has graciously accommodated our learning deficits, like he had with Noah. He provides his "visible Word" for our senses. He not only tells us our sin and guilt are washed away. In baptism, he has us see and feel a substance we use everyday--water.

We aren't simply told Christ's body and blood were given for us (Matthew 26:26-28). We see, feel and taste the promise of eternal life when we are nourished by the body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine in the Lord's Supper.

Finally, mankind got to see God's promises fulfilled in Jesus, the Word made flesh with the same five senses we have. Because he died and rose for us, putting our fingers on his nail marks and wounded side is a hands-on lesson we can look forward to in heaven.

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