Thursday, October 24, 2019

The beginning of a story

The following is an excerpt from a brief book of mine that illustrates truths from Psalm 23.  The e-book is available for 99 cents from October 25 to October 31. [You can download the free Kindle app for reading on a computer or other device if you don't have a Kindle.]  The book is called, The Lord Cares for Me (click the link to go to the page on Amazon).  
Another book, Faith Lives in Our Actions, is also available for 99 cents (e-book version) from Oct. 25-31.

The Story of Charlotte

(The start of the story)

Charlotte ran a business in New Orleans.  Her business didn’t advertise on the radio or in the newspaper.  Word on the street and pictures on the Internet attracted customers.  Charlotte ran an escort agency.  Actually, it was a prostitution business.  Charlotte had been a prostitute herself.  Now she was in her mid-30s and had taken over as the head of the agency.  The younger girls now worked for her, providing sex for money for sex-hungry men.  Charlotte kept a large share of the money for herself, because she found customers and made arrangements and kept things safe for her girls.  Charlotte’s business made lots of money.  She lived well in a comfortable apartment that was home for Charlotte and her son, Logan.

Logan had been a mistake.  Charlotte had gotten lazy about pregnancy protection sometimes when she had been selling herself for sex.  When she got pregnant, she decided to have the baby.  She’d never had anyone to love, and the baby meant the world to her.  Now Logan was five years old and ready to start school.

Charlotte’s business kept her up through the overnight hours most nights.  She slept during the morning hours, into the early afternoon.  Logan stayed with a neighbor as his babysitter during those hours.  Logan’s babysitter, Maria, had a five-year-old boy of her own.  Maria was a Christian.  She knew how Charlotte made her living.  She didn’t quite have the courage to talk to Charlotte about it, or know what to say if she did.  But she invited Logan to come along to a summer activity program at her church in the mornings, and Charlotte said it was okay.

Logan loved the church program.  He told his mom, “I want to go to school there all the time!”  The church operated a school, so Charlotte filled out papers to get Logan enrolled. 

Maria spoke to the school’s director.  “There’s something you maybe should know about Logan’s mom,” she said, and told him the type of work Charlotte did.  The school director replied, “Well, it’s no different for Charlotte than for any other parent at our school.  We ask all parents to take a series of Bible classes so they’ll know the faith that we’re teaching to their children in our school.  If Charlotte agrees to do that, her son is as welcome in our school as anyone else.”

Charlotte did agree.  She began classes with the pastor’s assistant, Stephen.  Once a week, Stephen met with Charlotte in the afternoon.  He taught Charlotte about God and about how God created the world and the first people.   He explained how some of the angels God had created rebelled against him and became devils, and how Satan, the leader of the evil angels, tempted the first man and woman away from God.  Stephen said, “After the first people disobeyed God, all people have been stuck in sin ever since.”  He warned that sin is a real problem – and not just for our lives with one another as human beings. 

Stephen told Charlotte, “Sin has created a horrible separation between us and God. The Bible tells it like it is:  ‘Your sins have separated you from your God.  They have caused him to turn his face away from you.  So he won’t listen to you’ (Isaiah 59:2).  And our separation from God is a permanent thing, a deadly thing.  ‘People will die because of their own sins’ (Ezekiel 18:20).  ‘When you sin, the pay you get is death’ (Romans 6:23).  Because we are sinners and live in sinful ways, we will die forever, be in hell forever.  Jesus warned us about the way we use our bodies to commit sins.  He said, ‘If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It would be better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with only one hand or one foot than to go into hell with two hands and two feet. In hell the fire burns forever’ (Matthew 18:8).  We can’t actually help our situation by cutting off body parts.  But Jesus’ words were meant to show us just how serious a problem sin is.”

Charlotte was uncomfortable with these lessons from the Bible, with all the harsh words of God’s law.  The 10 Commandments bothered her.  She knew she was a sinner.  But she didn’t like to think about it.  She told herself she was just making money in the best way she knew how, to support herself and her son.  She didn’t like the fact that God was judging her life when the world seemed such an unfair place and God never seemed like he was there to help her anyway.

As uncomfortable as she was, Charlotte continued to meet with Stephen for Bible lessons.  Sometimes she argued.  Sometimes she got upset.  But she kept thinking about these things. 

Once Stephen saw that Charlotte was thinking seriously about sin, he shifted his message.  “You know, Charlotte, the Bible isn’t all commandments and condemnation.  I’ve started there because that’s where the story starts – with our sins against God.  But there’s much more to the story than that.  There’s good news for us too – amazing good news.  Jesus warned us about the dangers of our sins, yes.  But Jesus mostly came to do something about our sins, to fix the mess we have made for ourselves.  The Bible says, ‘Those who do what is sinful belong to the devil. They are just like him. … But the Son of God came to destroy the devil’s work’ (1 John 3:8).  The damage the devil had done was undone by Jesus.  Jesus is God along with the Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit.  But he became human.  He became one of us to rescue us.  God says that people ‘have bodies made out of flesh and blood. So Jesus became human like them in order to die for them. By doing that, he could destroy the one who rules over the kingdom of death. I’m talking about the devil.  Jesus could set people free who were afraid of death. All their lives they were held as slaves by that fear’” (Hebrews 2:14-15).

Charlotte looked at Stephen like had seen into her soul.   “For a long time in my life,” she admitted, “I wanted to die.  But I was too scared of dying to actually end my life.”  She told Stephen more of her story:  “I had run away from home as a girl because home was awful, but life on the streets was worse.  I survived, but I hated what I was doing.  I wanted to die but couldn’t.  I wanted to live but it wasn’t really a life.   I grew numb to the kind of life I was living.  I just made it about the money.  Then Logan came along.  Now I want to make a decent life for him, an actual life for both of us.”

“The only actual life there is,” Stephen said, “is life that God gives us.  Jesus said, ‘Anyone who hears my word and believes … has crossed over from death to life’ (John 5:24).  Having our lives connected to Jesus is the one thing that matters, the one thing that is needed, as Jesus put it (Luke 10:42).

There's more to Charlotte's story. Read the rest in The Lord Cares for Me: Stories and Thoughts about Psalm 23 (available at

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