Sunday, March 6, 2022

1st Sunday in Lent, 2009 ... 2022

Our hearts are with the people of Ukraine at this time, as they struggle to protect their country and many have been forced to flee their homes.  A number of years ago, I visited Ukraine to teach a course at a seminary there. I asked a contact of mine what, if anything, those of us far away could do in the present crisis.  He responded, "Thank you very much for your prayers and concern. Here is a link where you can donate to Ukrainian Army:"  [If you go to the site, a donation of 1000 hryven’ at today's current exchange rate is 33.28 in US dollars.]   Others may be inclined to show support via humanitarian agencies. The Guardian newspaper recently published links to charitable agencies working to alleviate suffering: "How Americans can help people of Ukraine."

At the beginning of in Lent in 2009, I was privileged to preach to a group in Ternopil. I'll share a version of that message for the first week in Lent here. Let us pray for and support one another in all the struggles and tests of faith that this life brings.

Find the message for the 1st Sunday in Lent at the new Electric Gospel site:

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