Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A resource recommendation

I'd like to alert readers of this blog to another project which involved writing by students of mine.  I supervised and served as editor for a Bible study project that recently was published by Northwestern Publishing House.   "Everyday Videos and Bible Studies for Teens" was a project of WELS Youth and Family Ministry commission (on which I serve as an advisory member).  Joel Nelson and Jeremy Bakken served as executive producers for a number of video vignettes (over 90 of them) addressing various issues.  Then I was tasked to get college students to write Bible studies to go with those videos.  At my invitation and instruction, 70 different individuals contributed Bible studies to the project, which I then edited.

The final project is available as a computer file resource from NPH, in either DVD version or Flashdrive version.  

You might want to recommend this resource to your congregation's pastor or youth leaders.

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