Wednesday, November 16, 2016


This blog, The Electric Gospel, began in 2014 as Mariah Wild and I schemed for a way to publish something she wrote and provide a platform for other devotional writers.  In the summers I teach an online workshop on devotional writing, so this blog has been a place for sharing some of the best work by participants in that class and other religion courses I teach.

The following for the blog grew slowly.  But eventually, as things spread on the web, visits to this website have increased.  The site hit 10,000 views as of July of this year.  And now in November, The Electric Gospel has surpassed 25,000 views.  Keep sharing the devotions with those you know on whatever social media you use -- thank you!  And on the main blog page, click to become a listed follower of the blog if you like what you're seeing.

Some of the early material on this site has been viewed less often than more recent writings.  You might want to check out some of these "oldies but goodies" ...

Among the top-viewed devotions on the blog, some new items have climbed that list in recent months -- such as

Keep visiting The Electric Gospel and sharing with others what you see here!

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