Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Jesus, My Lord

by Raquel Freese

Recently, a musical friend shared with me a hymn she was working on.  I thought it would be a nice item to share with you here.

Jesus, my Lord, how can it be?
My God was crucified for me.
Your precious blood for me was shed,
A crown of thorns placed on your head.
As I stood idly watching by,
And saw my friend and Savior die.

You came down from your heavn’ly throne,
And took on human flesh and bone.
You humbly bore my heavy cross
And suffered deepest pain and loss.
You let your love for sinners show-
Your grace is more than I can know!

Now from my sins I have release.
Lord, let my wonder never cease.
Allow me always day and night,
To show the world your glorious light.
And help me, Lord, in all I do,
To fix my eyes solely on you.

We wait until that day you come
To take us to our heavn’ly home.
And when you come from up on high,
The church in unison will cry:
“Our Savior’s blood has set us free
To live with him eternally!”

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