Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Upcoming webinar: "Teaching the Faith"

How do we go about teaching the faith to the next generation?  When I surveyed some college students and recent grads, a number of them said that they felt much of their religious education took the form of indoctrination -- aware of the negative connotations of that term.  It's not that they were objecting to biblical doctrines as such, but rather were commenting on the way the pattern of teaching felt to them.  Learners (a.k.a. disciples) of the faith desire teaching/learning opportunities that allow them to question, to discuss, to explore, to wrestle, to ponder ... even doing some of that already at elementary school levels.

I'm leading a webinar course next week (September 21-28), offered through MLC Continuing Education, that explores this issue.  You can find more details about the webinar and related online discussion by visiting the page for Continuing Ed fall offerings 2015.  Click on "webinars" and look for WEB0801 - Teaching the Faith: Will We Instruct or Indoctrinate?  (It's at the end of the webinars list.) Click "Register Now" if you wish to sign up and participate.  MLC charges a $20 fee for webinar enrollment.

- David Sellnow

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