Thursday, March 17, 2016

Two years of Electric Gospel

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  If you want to know something about St. Patrick (beyond the shamrocks and green beer you might see used in secular celebrations), The Metro Lutheran once published a nice article about "The Real Saint Patrick."  It's worth taking a few moments to read.

Something else is worth celebrating here in mid-March:  the second anniversary of this blog, The Electric Gospel.   Starting in March 2014, I began sharing here the spiritual writings of some of my students and acquaintances.

If you've just recently started connecting to this blog site, let me note for you some of the most popular items from the past 24 months.   The five most-read posts have been these:

#5:  "Jesus is Coming Back -- Are You Ready?" by Allison Wessel
#4:  "Thoughts on the Day of Pentecost" by David Sellnow
#3:  "Body-Building" by Tracy Siegler
#2:  "Lifted Up" by Naomi Unnasch
#1:  "You are Precious in His Sight" by Emily Hunt

Some other personal favorites of mine during the past year were:

Feel free to peruse the archives for other interesting items you may have missed.
And feel free to email things you're writing!

- David Sellnow

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