Sunday, January 22, 2017

Starving Soul

A dear friend of mine, Brooke DeAnda, has started a blog for posting her poetry.  A number of her poetic writings are spiritual in nature.  I'd like to share one of those poems with you here as a featured item on The Electric GospelI encourage you to go check out others of Brooke's compositions at The Poet's Soul blog site.  (Note: Brooke writes poems in Spanish too -- her latest post is a love poem, Hermoso mio.) 

For our featured thoughts here, this is Starving Soul.

Starving Soul
by Brooke DeAnda

Eating disorders are very serious and scary diseases, even deadly.  The same is true for spiritual eating disorders. Your soul needs to be nourished daily, just as the body does. Let this poem remind you just how to feed your soul.

You're so hungry but you won't eat
Take this bread and you can breathe
Let the other life be born
And drink the wine that you long for
You were filled with emptiness
He loved you despite your sickness
Your heart was small and hostile still
Because your hunger was not fulfilled
He can give you what you need
Hear his word and you will see
Sick inside, you are dead
But he won't give up on you yet
Anorexic is your soul
No wonder why you are so cold
He can give you warmth inside
Please just promise you will try
With the water he can give
Wash away your frigid skin
He will hold you when you're clean
From your sickness you are free

To Eat or Not To Eat by daniellehelm at Flickr

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