Friday, May 19, 2017

Online course on law and gospel

C.F.W. Walther's 19th century lectures on The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel have long been urged as essential reading for pastors-in-training.  The subject of the lectures is important enough for every Christian to consider -- not just pastors.  In the lectures, Walther explored key concerns about how best to understand and use the central messages of Scripture.  Indeed, a 2010 edition of the book uses the title, Law and Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible.

You don’t need to enroll in a course to read Walther’s book.  However, enrolling in a course gives you the chance to discuss essential concepts and applications with others who are engaged in the life and work of today’s church.   Working through a guided discussion of the book allows participants to sharpen each other’s understanding and to enhance our spiritual conversations with others.

This summer, I'll be leading an online course focused on The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel, intending it to be both a deep course in theological thinking and a practical course full of applications to life and ministry.

The 1-credit course (Theology 8510) is scheduled to run from June 19 to July 7.  Register by May 29 if you'd like to participate.  The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel is one of several online courses for spiritual growth offered by Martin Luther College's Continuing Education department. 

- Prof. David Sellnow

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