Saturday, August 5, 2017

Church is about what's inside

Article and illustration by Cortney Manning

The church is the entire family of believers in Christ.  But we may also use the word “church” in other ways, like describing the places or buildings in which believers gather around the Word.  Church buildings  may look different or be different sizes -- like early churches in people’s homes, medieval cathedrals, small one-room buildings, or a campus chapel.  What is most important, though, is that the Word of God is proclaimed and the sacraments are celebrated.

I really enjoy seeing different church buildings, but the appearance of the building is not what guarantees that members of Christ's church are inside.  The loveliest, most ornate church could lack God’s Word in its truth and purity while a tiny, unimpressive building could contain solid teaching of the Word and faithful use of the sacraments. There the Holy Spirit is  at work in people's hearts with the means of grace.

It is important that we not be too focused on the visible church building.  No matter how beautiful it is, it will not last.  While it is great for believers to use their talents, gifts, and abilities to create a beautiful building and maintain and clean it, we also need to remember that this is not what is most important.  Like Martha, who focused on cleaning and preparing a meal for Jesus, I know that I sometimes get too focused on earthly things and appearances.  But I can remember also how Martha's her sister Mary focused instead on Jesus and his Word.  Jesus said, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42).  I want to do the same.

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