Friday, July 22, 2016


As of this weekend, The Electric Gospel has hit a milestone: 10,000 pageviews of this blog.  In the world of the Internet and social media, that's really not any big thing.  But for this fledgling effort, it seems like a landmark worth noting.

The most-viewed devotions have been:
  1. You Are Precious in His Sight by Emily Hunt
  2. Out of the Pit  by Naomi Unnasch
  3. Body Building by Tracy Siegler
  4. He Cannot Disown Himself by Becca Rehberger
  5. Jesus is Coming Back - Are You Ready? by Allison Wessel

Some gems you might have missed (some of those with a low number of views -- but we can change that now!) are:

There are more you can explore on your own in the archives, but I thought I'd call attention to a few ... as we aim toward the next 10,000 views!

Look along the right side of the blog page to join the blog as a follower or to subscribe by email. And feel free to share devotional posts from here via the social media of your choice.

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